Dean went after Bush for saying he would leave Iraq for next president.
by Floridagal
It was a thing of beauty to watch this video. I never get up early, so we missed the interview. Much appreciation to Bradblog for catching it. Howard Dean had to fight to get his points out. Soledad kept trying to interrupt, and he kept talking over her.
He also got good points in about the Medicare D bill. He pointed out that the president had the airwaves to say what he wanted, but the Democrats had to fight to get their message out. Good interview.
Howard Dean with Soledad O'Brien this morning
From the statement at Bradblog:
It was a thing of beauty to watch this video. I never get up early, so we missed the interview. Much appreciation to Bradblog for catching it. Howard Dean had to fight to get his points out. Soledad kept trying to interrupt, and he kept talking over her.
He also got good points in about the Medicare D bill. He pointed out that the president had the airwaves to say what he wanted, but the Democrats had to fight to get their message out. Good interview.
Howard Dean with Soledad O'Brien this morning
From the statement at Bradblog:
Howard Dean filibustered CNN's Soledad O'Brien to push the message that the Democratic Party has an effective strategy for changing the course in Iraq.
While the President Bush and the Republican noise machine are blaming the press, Dean said that the Democrats are having difficulty getting media coverage.
On the plan for Iraq, Dean said "We do believe that we can't withdraw immediately... Over the next couple of years we need to bring the troops home." On the apparent divided opinions of Democrats Dean said "There's a middle ground between Jack Murtha and Joe Biden and we think it makes a lot of sense."
Will the strategy as described by Howard Dean convince American's that the Democrats can get Iraq on track towards a resolution? Should the Democrats come together and support a single specific plan for Iraq?

Nice screen grab!
Corinne, at 12:27 PM
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